Title: Insight | |
Currie & Brown's Insight takes a look at construction issues in the global economy and the Middle East markets and focuses in particular on the residential market in the Middle East. It also includes a commodities price analysis to keep clients up to date with the latest prices. | |
Link: http://www.curriebrown.com/images/projects/Insight%20Middle%20East%20Issue%202.pdf | |
Title: Construction OberView | |
Ober|Kaler's Construction OberView is a quarterly publication examining legal developments affecting the construction industry. | |
Link: http://www.ober.com/publications/2614-construction-oberview | |
Title: Global Solutions | |
Our newsletter is published monthly and focuses on practical construction management solutions for project success. Global Solutions invites readers to contribute questions or articles we can include for an interactive experience. | |
Link: http://pdiintl.ehost-services150.com/pdf/PDINL.pdf | |
If you would like us to add your newsletter/news link, or have questions, please send your firm's information and/or inquiries to: hlk@constructionchannel.net