e-newsletter of the
Construction Industry Coalition Council
PO Box 4163
McLean VA 22103-4163
703-734-2397 Fax 703-734-2908
November 2005
About the CICC…
Council Steering Committee |
with |
Summary of Construction Industry Coalition Council Meeting November 15, 2005
Location: Surety Association of America, 1101 Connecticut Ave., NW
Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036 (Next to Metro Station Farragut North)
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems
Did you know that most fire sprinkler systems are designed to slow the fire down
so people can escape, not necessarily to put out the fire? With a traditional
fire sprinkler system, the end result will be major water, smoke, and fire
damage. Originally designed for shipboard application, the water mist system can
be used in a wide variety of industries as a means to save lives and protect
property. This system uses much less water by volume than a traditional
sprinkler system and is designed to put the fire out quickly resulting in less
property damage. This presentation will cover the mechanics of the water mist
fire suppression systems and their application.
Speaker: Carmen Shafer, Corporate Safety Manager, Grunley-Walsh,
Performance -Based Earthquake Engineering and Supporting Research
Building codes are increasingly dependent on the performance of various systems,
particularly the structural systems as compared to the current emphasis on life
safety. Non-structural damage to buildings from earthquakes has been significant
resulting in buildings becoming non-functional as a result of the California
Loma Prieta and Northridge Earthquakes. Performance based codes require a
paradigm shift and supporting research before code provisions can be properly
developed. This presentations deals with these issues.
Speaker: Dr. Vilas Mujumdar, Program Director and Cluster Leader, Earthquake
Engineering Research Centers, National Science Foundation,
Building Security Standards for Occupant Survivability
ASTM E54.05.03, the Building Interiors Task Group of the Committee on Homeland
Security Applications, is developing standard guides for building systems aimed
at enhancing occupant survivability and reducing the risk of injury in the event
of catastrophic events. The standards development process includes: 1)
understanding the development and implementation of existing standards and their
applicability to Homeland Security Applications; 2) performing a gap analysis to
determine standards needs in the US marketplace; 3) establishing clear
objectives for standards that will provide value to ASTM customers; and 4)
developing a consensus standards development process. This presentation will
highlight the work of ASTM E54.05.03.
Speaker: Kristine Hargreaves, CH2M HILL,