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Archive: Public-Private Ventures

CBR's Archive contains the subject title of each Department and Column, and the title and author of each Article written since its debut. CBR is currently adding hotlinks to many of the titles listed. If you see a title that you would like to read and it's not currently active, please click on our ORDER button and place your request.

Evaluation Environmental Facility Concessions: Benchmarking the Brazilian Case
    (Volume 6 - No. 3)

A Model for Future Federal Efforts
    (Volume 6 - No. 2)

Water/Wastewater Privatization: Breakthrough Under Way
    (Volume 6 - No. 1)

Learning from the Electric Power Experience
    (Volume 5 - No. 6)

Outsourcing & Public Construction Projects
    (Volume 5 - No. 5)

Financing Global Power Projects
    (Volume 5 - No. 4)

Federal Privatization: Learning from Experience
    (Volume 5 - No. 3)

The Road Now Traveled: Putting Infrastructure Privatization on Track
    (Volume 5 - No. 2)

U.S. Power Deregulation: A Boon for Infrastructure Development
    (Volume 5 - No. 1)

Private Tolled Transportation: Target for Governmental Reinvention
    (Volume 4 - No. 6)

Privatizing Latin American Electric Power
    (Volume 4 - No. 5)

The Executive Order on Infrastructure: What Can It Achieve?
    (Volume 4 - No. 4)

Mexican Port Privatization: Emerging Sources of U.S. Support
    (Volume 4 - No. 3)

Linking Trade and Aid: The Central Role of Infrastructure Public-Private Ventures
    (Volume 4 - No. 2)

The New Asset Investment Class: Public-Private Infrastructure
    (Volume 4 - No. 2)

Reinventing Government: Speak and Enjoy
    (Volume 4 - No.1)

Beyond Pith Helmet Privatization: Learning from the Power Industry
    (Volume 3 - No. 6)

Environmental Privatization: The New Green Happening
    (Volume 3 - No. 5)

Saving NIC from Obscurity: The Role of Public-Private Partnerships
    (Volume 3 - No. 4)

Funding Infrastructure Finance: The Emerging Great Debate
    (Volume 3 - No. 3)

Implementing Infrastructure Privatization: Learning from the Old, Welcoming the New
    (Volume 3 - No. 2)

Privatization and the Infrastructure Debate
    (Volume 3 - No. 1)

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