Taxes & Accounting
CBR's Archive contains the subject title of each Department and Column, and the title and
author of each Article written since its debut. CBR is currently adding hotlinks to
many of the titles listed. If you see a title that you would like to read and it's not currently active, please click
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Construction Management Contracts - Are You Using the Proper Accounting Method?
(Volume 6 - No. 3)
Year Round Tax Planning
(Volume 6 - No. 1)
IRS Offers Rollover Relief
(Volume 5 - No. 6)
Companies Defeat IRS Challenges to Executive Compensation
(Volume 5 - No. 5)
New Financial Disclosure Rules
(Volume 5 - No. 4)
MSSP: The Future of IRS Audits?
(Volume 5 - No. 3)
Using Tax Laws to Your Advantage
(Volume 5 - No. 2)
Subchapter S Still a Great Deal?
(Volume 5 - No. 1)
State and Local Tax Issues Facing Multistate Contractors
(Volume 4 - No. 6)
IRS Attacks Partnership and S Corporation Transactions
(Volume 4 - No. 5)
Tax Aspects of Joint Ventures
(Volume 4 - No. 4)
Tax Update: New Reporting Requirements for Group Health & Environmental Cost Update
(Volume 4 - No. 3)
Tax Benefits and Overseas Operations
(Volume 4 - No. 2)
The Silver Lining in the Clinton Tax Plan
(Volume 4 - No. 1)
President Clinton's Additional Tax Increase: Can You Believe There's More?
(Volume 3 - No. 6)
State Tax Liabilities: Contractors must do their Homework
(Volume 3 - No. 5)
How to Obtain Financing
(Volume 3 - No. 4)
The Clinton Plan and its impact on Construction
(Volume 3 - No. 3)
Double Trouble: The Tax Consequences of Troubled Real Estate Debt Restructuring
(Volume 3 - No. 2)
Succession Planning to Lower Taxes and Insure the Future of Your Business
(Volume 3 - No. 1)
Tax Planning for 1992 and Beyond: A New Law and an IRS Regulation Impact Contractors
(Volume 2 - No. 6)
OCBOA vs. GAAP: One Accountant's Opinion
(Volume 2 - No. 5)
Effective Presentation of Financial Data: A Key to Bonding
(Volume 2 - No. 4)
Proper Cost Classification Lowers Taxes and Increases Cash Flow
(Volume 2 - No. 3)
Economic Performance Rules Will Delay Deductions
(Volume 2 - No. 2)
The Limited Liability Company: An Alternative to S Corporations and Limited Partnerships
(Volume 2 - No. 1)
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