Claims Analysis
Technical Analysis
CCIC maintains a staff of technical experts capable of analyzing the complex
technical and design issues which often arise in connection with
construction disputes. Our experts can independently evaluate issues such as
whether or not a specification is defective or whether a particular item is
properly included in the contractor's scope of work.
Schedule Analysis
CCIC's staff includes numerous experts in the field of schedule analysis.
Our consultants are familiar with all varieties of the critical path method
including arrow and precendence diagramming. They are capable of determining
compensable, non-compensable, and non-exusable delays based upon techniques
which are appropriate to the issues involved in the claim and the available
Damages Analysis
Claims costing and damages issues are ultimately the most important aspect
of any construction dispute. CCIC's staff has extensive experience in claims
costing including such issues as the cost of extra work, inefficiency and
disruption costs, extended overhead, equipment costs, labor and material
escalation, loss of use, lost profits, and increased financing costs.
Computer Applications
CCIC increases the cost effectiveness of its services by developing
computer-generated analyses and printed or plotted graphics wherever
possible. CCIC has successfully used computer applications in connection
with cost and schedule issues on a variety of major construction claims,
simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of the clients' presentations
and reducing the clients' overall costs.
8133 Leesburg Pike, Suite 310
Vienna, Virginia 22182
Tel: (703) 734-2393
Fax: (703) 734-2908