Corollary to Claims
One of the most effective services CCIC can provide is to assist counsel
during the course of litigation or arbitration or arbitration proceedings.
The provision of these litigation support services is a logical corollary to
CCIC's provision of claims analysis services. As our staff becomes
increasingly knowledgeable regarding the facts and issues involved in a
construction dispute, they can offer valuable help to counsel in overall
preparation and prosecution of the client's case.
Document Discovery & Microfilming
The production and retrieval of discovery documents is often a crucial phase
of litigation. CCIC can assist counsel in obtaining discovery documents
through the application of our microfilming capability. By microfilming the
other party's documents, counsel can save countless hours spent in the
opposing party's file room. Counsel may also obtain discovery documents for
a cost that is less than for normal reproduction services and without
arguments over "lost" or subsequently "withheld" documents. In addition,
CCIC can assist counsel in managing client and discovery documents through
the use of our standardized document organization and control procedures.
Deposition Outlines & Support
Deposition of witnesses is another crucial phase of case preparation in any
construction dispute. CCIC can enhance the effectiveness of counsel in
depositions by assembling appropriate exhibits and outlines of areas for
questioning to be used with particular witnesses in the case. In addition,
by attending the depositions of adverse witnesses, CCIC's staff can assist
counsel in understanding the testimony being taken and in asking the type of
follow-up questions which are necessary in order to obtain a useful
Trial & Arbitration Support
In connection with the actual arbitration or litigation of a dispute, CCIC's
staff can assist counsel with the development of trial outlines and the
preparation of witnesses for testimony on the stand. We can also prepare the
kind of graphic exhibits necessary to an effective case presentation. As in
the case of depositions, CCIC's consultants can assist during the actual
proceedings by advising counsel regarding the questioning of witnesses on
both direct and cross examination.
Video Documentation
One of the special litigation support services offered by CCIC is the use of
a video camera to document actual project status. This technique is
especially useful in cases involving termination and defective work, where
the status of the work at a particular time needs to be documented in the
clearest possible manner.
8133 Leesburg Pike, Suite 310
Vienna, Virginia 22182
Tel: (703) 734-2393
Fax: (703) 734-2908